This is a 48-year-old woman who came to us with a desire for nasal refinement and improved breathing. She has always wanted to get her nose done as a teenager but just never did for various reasons but found the time to be right. She wanted an elegant nose that matched her aesthetic and didn’t look like a typical ski slope nose job. Therefore, with our closed Scarless Nose® Rhinoplasty technique, we shaved her dorsal hump. She had an under-rotated nasal tip with a pull-down effect from the Depressor Nasii muscle, therefore we performed tip deprojection with feminine rotation. She also had a pinched and weak middle third, so we used spreader grafts to improve breathing and straighten the nose. She also had a bulbous and crooked nasal tip with asymmetry of nostrils; therefore, we performed refinement of the nasal tip with the creation of an anatomical triangular tip configuration with nostril symmetry.