This is a 30-year-old woman who came to us with a very sad back story regarding abuse from her father (her entire story was documented by The Doctor’s TV Show which showcased her back story and her surgery from Dr. Dugar – available to watch on our Youtube channel). She had always hated her nose because it reminded her of him and the abuse and she wished to have a small cute nose that redefined her when she looked in the mirror. Through our closed Scarless Nose® Rhinoplasty technique, to address her small cartilaginous dorsal hump, we shaved her dorsal hump. She had an under-rotated nasal tip with pa ull-down effect from the Depressor Nasii muscle, therefore we performed tip deprojection with feminine rotation. She also had a bulbous, rectangular, and undefined nasal tip; therefore, we performed refinement of the nasal tip with the creation of an anatomical triangular tip configuration. She also had mildly wide nasal bones; therefore, we performed na arrowing of the nasal bones.