This 25-year-old female came to us desiring her same nose, just smaller and less harsh. She felt her nose overpowered her face, but she overall liked the shape of her nose, she just wished she could shrink it down. She specifically disliked her dorsal hump, overall asymmetry, wide nasal bones, and asymmetric bulbous boxy tip. In her case, through our Scarless Nose® Rhinoplasty technique, we shaved her dorsal hump, straightened her nose, and narrowed her nasal bones. We also performed a delivery technique with lateral crural overlay technique to deproject the nose while bringing the nasal tip into the more triangular configuration while preserving the naturality of her tip. She didn’t want a classic pinched Barbie nose job to look, so we respected the original shape of the nose and simply made it smaller and more symmetric. If you look at her before photos, the first thing you notice is her nose. When you look at the after photos, now you notice her eyes. Bringing out the natural beauty in a face by finessing the nose is always the goal.