This is a 34-year-old woman who came to us with concerns about the droopiness of her nasal tip. This plagued her especially when smiling. She went back and forth if she should do closed rhinoplasty as she was told closed couldn’t do enough. Once she did a consult with us, she learned what we would be able to do. Through our closed Scarless Nose® Rhinoplasty technique, we subtly shaved her dorsal hump. She had an under-rotated nasal tip with a pull-down effect from the Depressor Nasii muscle, therefore we performed tip deprojection with feminine rotation. She also had a crooked, undefined nasal tip with asymmetry of nostrils, therefore we performed refinement of the nasal tip with the creation of an anatomical triangular tip configuration with nostril symmetry. She also had wide nasal bones therefore we performed narrowing of the nasal bones.