This 25-year-old nurse came to us feeling her face was too masculine and desired a cuter softer version of her nose, mostly from the front. She felt her tip and nasal bones were too wide and asymmetric. Therefore, through our closed Scarless Nose® Rhinoplasty technique, we shaved down her dorsal hump subtly with caution not to scoop it out too much. Additionally, we slightly narrowed her nasal bones to make them more symmetric. The patient also disliked her bulbous nasal tip and how her nasal tip looked pulled down or under-rotated. To address this, we sculpted her nasal tip, subtly deprojecting it and lifting it as well. The patient was also concerned about her nasal tip being crooked, with asymmetry in the nostrils. When we refined her nasal tip we also created a better triangular tip configuration with more nostril symmetry.