This 28-year-old female came to us with concerns about a dorsal hump and a slightly crooked nose from the frontal view. She loved her nasal tip and nostrils though and didn’t want those changed at all. This is a conundrum many patients have when they want rhinoplasty but don’t want to alter some parts of their nose while finessing other parts. The problem with traditional open rhinoplasty is that usually the tip becomes fully reconstructed as part of the procedure which can grossly alter the shape of the nasal tip. In patients wanting minimal to no change to their tip, that can be horrifying. This is where Scarless Nose® Rhinoplasty is the preferred choice, as we can make cuts above the tip from inside of the nose and bypass the tip-nostril complex completely to leave it unaltered. Therefore through our Scarless Nose® Rhinoplasty technique, we shaved her dorsal hump and slightly straightened her nasal bones. As you see from the side, it looks like a marked improvement, however, from the front you may barely know what was done.