This 22-year-old female came from a beautiful ethnic community where nose jobs were always shamed because of the taboo they carried. She was extremely nervous about having a Barbie ski-slope nose job until she found us. She requested we don’t shave her profile all the way, and if anything, for me to leave some dorsal strength to her nose. She wanted her nose from the front to be a little softer as well. Through our Scarless Nose® Rhinoplasty technique, we shaved her dorsal hump just enough to reduce the overt strength but not enough to remove the character of her nose. We also narrowed her nasal bones slightly. The patient also felt that her nasal tip was bulbous and over-projected. To address this, we sculpted her nasal tip, de-projected it, and created a slight feminine rotation to create a softer look to her tip. This also eliminated the under-rotated appearance of her nasal tip.