It’s important to know you aren’t alone. More than 220,000 rhinoplasty surgeries are performed every year in the United States. But, unfortunately, over 50,000 of them are revision surgeries, so picking the right surgeon the first time is extremely important.
Success in rhinoplasty is truly based on the mastery of your surgeon. Mastery is only achieved when total dedication and concentration are given to a task, whether it's playing soccer, playing the piano, or performing rhinoplasty. When a pianist decides to master the piano, there is a 99% chance she will forgo playing all other instruments and purely dedicate herself to the piano. When a soccer player decides she wants to train to go professional, she will forgo playing all other sports and purely dedicate herself to soccer. However, when surgeons decide they want to become the best at a surgery, most still perform other surgeries, and it’s usually due to a financial desire. This is where we differ. Like the professional pianist and soccer player, Dr. Dugar has decided to forgo all other surgeries in order to purely dedicate himself to the mastery of Scarless Nose®s.
But your success in rhinoplasty is truly multifactorial. There are hundreds of small variables involved in the healing of a nose post-operatively. The overall goal is to create a functional, structurally sound, and cosmetically appealing nose that balances the face and allows you to breathe better. The goal is for your nose to blend in with the face and make your profile look more elegant without drawing specific attention to your nose and without any external cuts or scars whatsoever.
It is, however, important to discuss the idea of the “perfect nose.” Almost no one has a “perfect nose,” and furthermore, even if the concept of a “perfect nose” existed, it would have virtually no basis in reality or surgery. Yes, we can create almost any shape of nose–-but would it match your face? We, as a society, often see celebrities and idealize their cosmetic features without realizing that part of our idealization is the aura of their lifestyle/success/fame/sex appeal and not just their nose. So, even if you think Ashlee Simpson’s nose looks amazing, it may or may not be the type of rhinoplasty that fits your face. We are not aiming to create a “perfect nose”–-just one that fits your face beautifully and allows you to breathe better without any external cuts or scars.
Not every patient is a candidate for Scarless Nose® surgery. Some major revision surgeries or reconstructive-type rhinoplasties may require traditional “open” rhinoplasty. Dr. Dugar will openly and honestly guide you through whether or not you are a candidate for Scarless Nose® surgery. Achieving the best possible outcome for your nose is far more important than whether or not you end up doing the surgery with us. Whether it's in your best interest to undergo an “open” rhinoplasty elsewhere or to not undergo any surgery at all, we will be the first to let you know and guide you safely.
If you have never had any prior work done on your nose, you are almost always a great candidate for the Scarless Closed Rhinoplasty by Dr. Dugar.